How to write tests


August 25, 2022

JS 测试框架 JavaScript Testing Framework

  1. 选 jest
  2. yarn jest 运行所有测试

JS 基础测试框架对比

npm trends for jasmine-vs-jest-vs-mocha

  1. Jest

    Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. It works with projects using: Babel, TypeScript, Node, React, Angular, Vue and more!

  2. Mocha

    Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. Mocha tests run serially, allowing for flexible and accurate reporting, while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases.

  3. Jasmine

    Behavior-Driven JavaScript. Low overhead, jasmine-core has no external dependencies.

Test Basic Function


// stringify.test.js

// 对于给定输入判断输出,以测试 `stringify` 为例
describe("JSON.stringify basic type", () => {
    it("works with boolean", () => {
        // it: 测试用例  (test 别名)
        const result = JSON.stringify(true);
        expect(result).toBe("true"); // expect:断言某个值,条件(matcher)不成立则测试不通过
        expect(result).not.toBe(true); // not: 否定判断

    // ... 多组 it

内置 matcher

  1. 通用 Common Matchers
    • toBe 完全相等 (exact equality).
    • toEqual 值相等 (recursively checks every field of an object or array)
  2. 真值 Truthiness
    • toBeTruthy 等效 value == true (matches anything that treats as true)
    • toBeFalsy 等效 value == true (anything that treats as false)
    • toBeNull 等效 value === null
    • toBeUndefined 等效 value === undefined
    • toBeDefinedundefined (not.toBeUndefined)
  3. 数字 Numbers
    • toBeCloseTo 浮点数相等(避免精度导致的随机错误)
    • toEqual 等于
    • toBeGreaterThan 大于>
    • toBeGreaterThanOrEqual 大于等于
    • toBeLessThan 小于
    • toBeLessThanOrEqual 小于等于
  4. 字符串 Strings
    • toMatch 正则匹配:
  5. 数组 Arrays and iterables
    • toContain 包含
  6. 异常/错误 Exceptions
    • expect(funcThrowErrors()).toThrow() 抛错
    • toThrow(Error) 抛出指定类型错误
    • toThrow('you are using the wrong JDK') 包含特定 error message
    • Note: the function that throws an exception needs to be invoked within a wrapping function otherwise the toThrow assertion will fail.

全部 API

Test Asynchronous Function

  1. 优先使用 Async/Await 函数
  2. 使用 .resolves/.rejects 判断 Promise
  3. 非 promise(事件触发)考虑 callback 回调方式

async/await 函数

test("the data is ok", async () => {
    expect.assertions(1); // assertions 会确保断言数量
    const data = await fetchData();

expect(promise) 断言

test("the fetch fails with an error", async () => {
    await expect(fetchData()).rejects.toMatch("error"); // 必须 await,否则测试会提前结束

callback 参数回调

test("the data is ok", (done) => {
    // 调研 done 结束测试
    fetchData((error, data) => {
        if (error) {
            done(error); // 测试失败
        } else {
            try {
                done(); // 测试成功
            } catch (error) {
                done(error); // 测试失败, 此处try catch,否则 expect失败后会超时错误

jest 测试异步函数支持两种方式

  • 传统的异步参数回调: it('callback',(done:(err?:any)=>void)=>{})l
  • 返回一个 Promise (async/await 是一种特殊的 Promise 写法): it('promise',():Prmose<any>=>{});

切记 Promise 和 callback 不可混用

避免使用 catch 判断,必须使用时一定要用 expect.assertions (考虑用 rejects 替代)

// × 错误写法
test("the fetch fails with an error", () => {
    // 无论fetchData 是否成功,都会测试正常完成
    return fetchData().catch((e) => expect(e).toMatch("error"));

// √ 正确写法
test("the fetch fails with an error", () => {
    expect.assertions(1); // 确保 expect调用一次
    return fetchData().catch((e) => expect(e).toMatch("error"));

参考 jest 异步测试

Test React Hooks

hooks 是一种特殊的组件

  1. use @testing-library/react to renderHook
  2. rerender for props changed

test a hook result

import { renderHook } from "@testing-library/react";
// import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks' // old version

 * a hook
const useTestHook = () => {
    const [name, setName] = React.useState("");
    React.useEffect(() => setName("Test"), []);
    return name;

test("render useTestHook", () => {
    const { result } = renderHook(useTestHook); // renderHook 返回值中 result 指向返回值的ref
    expect(result.current).toBe("Test"); // result.current 为当前值

test with rerender

const useTestProps = (value) => {
    const [name, setName] = React.useState("");
    React.useEffect(() => setName((n) => `${n} ${value}`), [value]);
    return name;
test("returns useTestProps", () => {
    const { result, rerender } = renderHook(useTestProps, {
        initialProps: "Test", // provide init render value
    expect(result.current).toBe(" Test");
    rerender("NewValue"); // rerender with new value
    expect(result.current).toEqual(" Test NewValue");

Test Async Hook Update

测试异步更新的 hook.

  • React Testing Library (version >= 13)
import React from "react";
// React Testing Library Version>= 13.0
import { act, waitFor, renderHook } from "@testing-library/react";

const useTestPromise = () => {
    const [name, setName] = React.useState("");
    return {
        // a function to update date async
        updateAsyc: (v) => {
            Promise.resolve().then(() => setName(v));

test("returns useTestPromise", async () => {
    // async 异步函数
    const { result } = renderHook(useTestPromise);
    expect(""); // 检查初始值

    // act 包裹异步状态更新,否则可能状态无法更新或者react warning
    await act(async () => {
        result.current.updateAsyc("Test"); // 调用异步更新操作
        await waitFor(() => !!; // 等待更新
  • React Hooks Testing Library (React Testing Library < v13)
import React from "react";
// React Hooks Testing Library (old version)
import { renderHook } from "@testing-library/react-hooks";

const useTestPromise = () => {
    const [name, setName] = React.useState("");
    return {
        updateAsyc: (v) => Promise.resolve().then(() => setName(v)),

test("returns useTestPromise", async () => {
    // async 异步函数
    const { result, waitForNextUpdate } = renderHook(useTestPromise);
    expect(""); // 检查初始值
    await waitForNextUpdate(); // 等待异步值更新

a live demo for hook update tests

React Hooks Testing Library 提供了更为丰富的 API

但是React Hooks Testing Library 可能会被弃用,请谨慎使用


Test Components (dom tree)

  • use @testing-library/react to render
  • fireEvent 触发用户操作事件

basic render

// add custom jest matchers from jest-dom, (可在setup中全局导入)
import "@testing-library/jest-dom";
// import react-testing methods
import { render, screen } from "@testing-library/react";

// 待测试组件
const Test = () => <div data>test</div>;

test("render test", () => {
    render(<Test />); // render the component

    // assert that the alert message is correct using

with user events

import "@testing-library/jest-dom";
import { render, fireEvent, waitFor, screen } from "@testing-library/react";
import Fetch from "../fetch"; // the component to test

test("loads and displays greeting", async () => {
    render(<Fetch url="/greeting" />);"Load Greeting")); // 点击事件

    await waitFor(() => screen.getByRole("heading")); // 等待页面出现 heading

    expect(screen.getByRole("heading")).toHaveTextContent("hello there"); // 断言文字类容
    expect(screen.getByRole("button")).toBeDisabled(); // 断言按钮状态


import { render, within, screen } from "@testing-library/react";

const { getByText } = render(<MyComponent />);
const messages = getByText("messages");
screen.debug(messages); // print the dom
within(messages).getByText("hello"); // 在 messages 元素内查找

enzyme 测试 React

另一个曾经比较流行的测试框架 enzyme,维护组件树支持组件和属性 Query,但是其维护状态和对新版 React 支持上均不如 testing-library. npm trends for @testing-library/react-vs-enzyme

import { shallow } from "enzyme";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";
import Foo from "./Foo";

test("test selector", () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent />);
    expect(wrapper.find("#foo")).to.have.lengthOf(1); // query selector
    expect(wrapper.find(Foo)).to.have.lengthOf(1); // find by components
    expect(wrapper.find({ prop: "value" })).to.have.lengthOf(1); // find by properties

Test a Component (Snapshot Testing Tests)

Snapshot Testing 保证静态 UI 没有意外变化, UI 更新能清楚标明变化的地方

  • toMatchSnapshot to check the snapshot
  • yarn jest -u to update snapshots
import { create } from "react-test-renderer";
test("Test Snapshot", () => {
    const tree = create(<div>Test</div>); // 渲染结果, state 更新需要 act 包裹
    expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot(); // jest 会检查/更新 快照文件

Snapshot Testing 可以保证 UI 的稳定性,但是不适合逻辑细节的测试

  • jest snapshot-testing

    典型的做法是在渲染了 UI 组件之后,保存一个快照文件, 检测他是否与保存在单元测试旁的快照文件相匹配。 若两个快照不匹配,测试将失败:有可能做了意外的更改,或者 UI 组件已经更新到了新版本。

  • react snapshot-testing


Test an APP (E2E Tests)

让浏览器渲染完整的 APP, 模拟用户进行真实场景的测试 (end-2-end test)

使用 Playwright


主流 E2E 测试工具

  • Playwright: a framework for Web Testing and Automation
  • Cypress: a framework and solution for e2e tests
  • Puppeteer: (lib) Headless Chrome Node.js API

npm trends for @playwright/test-vs-cypress-vs-puppeteer